Strikemaster 24v vs 40v Ice Auger (Key Differences Explained)
by Robert Ceran
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The 24v and 40v ice augers from Strikemaster are among the best ice augers on the market in 2023.
But if you’re thinking about getting either of these models for your ice fishing, it’s important to understand their differences, and the pros and cons of each.
To help you with this, we’ve tested both models and compared the Strikemaster 40v vs 24v ice augers side by side.

Read on to decide which one is better for you!
Strikemaster 40v vs 24v ice augers compared
The table above compares the key specs of the Strikemaster 24v vs 40v ice augers that we tested side by side.
Before we discuss each ice auger model in more detail, let’s cover their key similarities and differences at a glance:
Weight: While the Strikemaster 24v ice auger is ultralight, weighing a mere 13.3 to 14.3 pounds (depending on which drill size you choose), the Strikemaster 40v weighs 24 to 27 pounds, which is almost twice as much.
Based on our testing, weight is an important consideration for your ice auger, since it adds to the overall load that you have to lug around on the ice.
One of the key advantages of electric ice augers is that they tend to be considerably lighter than gas-powered ones (for more details on this, check out our article comparing electric vs gas ice augers).
Drill sizes: While the Strikemaster 24v can be used with either a 6 inch or 8 inch drill, the 40v can be used with either an 8 inch or 10 inch drill.
During our testing we found that in terms of hole size, the Strikemaster 40v is therefore better for targeting larger fish, such as northern pike and lake trout.
The 24v, on the other hand, is ideal for smaller fish such as crappie, bluegill, perch and walleye.
Battery: While the 24v auger comes with a 24v/4aH lithium ion battery, the 40v comes with a 40v/4aH lithium battery.
Since both models come with LiFePO4 lithium batteries, their charge lasts longer than regular batteries, but when we put it to the test, we found that the 40v model has a significantly larger capacity, which affects how many holes it can drill per charge (see next point below).
Number of holes that can be drilled with one battery charge: When we tested each auger side by side with the same drill size (8 inches) and same ice thickness (16 inches), we found that the Strikemaster 40v can drill up to 100 holes, while the 24v model can only drill up to 50 holes.
Our testing thus revealed that the 40v model thus has about twice the battery capacity of the 24v model, and this is important if you’re planning to do hole hopping where you’ll be drilling holes all day long.
The 24v model, on the other hand, should be absolutely fine if you’re planning to fish inside a shelter, where you only need to drill a few holes.
Time required to recharge: Both augers come with a charger included, but our testing revealed that while the 24v model requires 2.5 hours for recharging, the 40v model requires 2 hours, which is slightly faster.
Compatible drill units: While the Strikemaster 24v auger is only compatible with Lite Flite Lazer Drill units, the 40v auger is compatible with Lazer Drill units, Lite-Flite Lazer Drill units, and Single Chipper Drill units.
Now let’s take a closer look at each of these ice augers.
Strikemaster 24v ice auger

The StrikeMaster lithium 24v combines an impressive amount of drilling power with lightness of weight (and hence mobility) and on top of that it is also competitively priced.
The drill and most other parts of the auger are made from molded resin, and when we put it to the test, we found that this results in a significant reduction in weight.
With a total weight that is as low as 13.3 pounds (if you opt for the 6 inch drill), this is one of the lightest electric ice augers on the market, which is a huge plus when you need to trudge across miles of frozen lake on foot.
The business end of this auger features a pair of sharp, serrated stainless steel blades, as well as a point that stops the auger from drifting. During our testing we found that the drill unit is long enough to drill through 36 inches of ice, which is plenty for most ice anglers.
The forward and reverse gear allows you to clear slush out of your ice hole without having to scoop it out.
While our testing showed that a single charge on the 24v Strikemaster doesn’t last extremely long, it’s enough to drill 50 holes, and if you need more than this, just take along an extra battery or two.
And finally, retailing at less than $400, the Strike Master 24v is a great compromise between cheap hand augers (price point: $60 to $200), and top-of-the line 40v electric augers (price point: $550 to $700).
Related: K Drill Ice Auger vs Strikemaster Lite Flite (which is better?)
Strikemaster 40v ice auger

The electric DC brushless motor of the Strikemaster 40v comes with a planetary gear system.
When we put it to the test, we found that with a 15.9:1 gear ratio this system provides tons of torque, and is one of the most powerful electric ice augers on the market. This makes it a great option for hard, thick midwinter ice.
During our testing we also found that the larger battery capacity of the 40 volt also allows you to drill up to 1600 inches with a full charge, which is ideal when you’re ice trolling and need to drill dozens of holes at a time.
And if you take along a second battery, this will allow you to do hole hopping all day long without running out of charge.
While testing it, we found that another big advantage of the 40v Strikemaster is that it has an even longer auger flight than the 24v, measuring 39 inches from the bottom of the motor to the blades. That means you won’t need an extension in most cases.
The blades of this Strikemaster ice auger are curved, and during our testing we found that this makes them more effective for cutting through hard ice than straight ones.
However, on the downside, this model is almost twice as heavy as the 24v auger, which means you might need an ATV or at least a sled to haul it around.
Finally, the 40v auger can be used with either an 8 inch or 10 inch drill bit. A 10 inch hole not only allows you to target larger fish, it also leaves extra room for a flasher, ice fishing camera, or even for sight fishing.
Final remarks
This concludes our review comparing the Strikemaster 24v and 40v ice augers. Hopefully this will help you choose the perfect ice auger for your purposes.
If you’re also in the market for other types of augers, check out our guide to the drills you can use for ice augers.
Gear and methods used for testing
For consistent testing results we tested both ice augers reviewed in this article on the same day on Leech Lake in early January. Ice thickness was 15 to 16 inches, and we drilled holes with each ice auger until its battery capacity was exhausted, and then counted the holes to keep score.